Articles & News
Bodywork Etiquette
Guidelines To Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Session
By Karrie Osborn
Most massage aficionados remember the trepidation that came with their first massage. What should I expect? Will I have to take off my clothes? How much do I tip?
For relative newcomers to massage, the prospect of those first visits and their unknowns can be unnerving. Here are some basic bodywork etiquette guidelines to help you get the most out of your session, create a healthy client-therapist relationship, and address some of those unknowns.
Things Massage Clients Worry About and Why They Really Shouldn't
By Cindy Williams

First things first. The last thing a client should be doing during a massage session is worrying. Worry is a stressor that causes the same physical symptoms that massage therapists are attempting to relieve. Clients often worry about, and even become downright embarrassed by, natural physiological processes that don’t make one iota of difference to the massage therapist. If anything, the physiological occurrences show us that your body is responding well to the work being done. If you have found yourself having embarrassing body responses during a massage and have worried about what your massage therapist is thinking, please read on and allow me to put your mind at ease.
Massage, Science, and Your Health
A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Weil
By Loolwa Khazzoom
Noted physician Andrew Weil, MD, author of Why Our Health Matters: A Vision of Medicine that Can Transform Our Future (Hudson Street Press, 2009) and a longtime proponent of integrative medicine, had a chance to sit down with Body Sense magazine to discuss the science behind massage and other effective complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments.
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Body Sense Digital Magazine
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Test the Waters
Is Your Skin Dry, or Dehydrated?
By Amy Caspero
Massage and the Caregiver
By Karrie Osborn
The Snowflake Effect
The Accumulation of Stress on the Body
By Nikki Campanale